Joseph DeChant

Full-Stack Developer | Designer

Joseph is a full-stack developer with a career rooted in graphic design. He specializes in the design and development of crisp, comprehensive UI’s while also balanced across back-end languages and libraries. Joseph approaches front-end design carefully focused on simplicity, contrast, brand unity and the powerful impact of negative space. On the backend, he is geared toward keeping his solutions, clean, organized, defensive, adjustable and scalable.

Joseph likes to stuff his free time with skiing, traveling, disc golfing and any reasonable excuse to get outside. He is an avid learner that seeks immersion in new skills, challenges and entrepreneurial opportunities.


HTML, CSS, SCSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Mongo, Mongoose, Node, Express, React, PHP, MySQL, Sequelize, handlebars, firebase, Bootstrap, Wordpress

Shepherd Resources

Designed and engineered responsive, video-supporting platform for a high-end architecture firm, using AWS S3, Google Maps API, Sass, SVG, custom icon fonts, PHP, and Javascript

Sawatch Apparel

Constructed a responsive, WooCommerce-supporting, custom Wordpress theme using PHP, jQuery and Sass.

GIF Memory Game

Using React.js and API calls to GIPHY, built a game that renders users' search queries into a custom, card-randomizing memory game.

Diced Onions

Web scraping app that stores Onion articles using Node, Express and Mongoose, while printing to the page using Handlebars.

Star Wars RPG

Use of jQuery and Javascript to build an RPG-style game that puts Star Wars characters head-to-head in a button mashing showdown.

Harry Potter Trivia

Use of jQuery and Javascript to produce an interactive, score calculating, trivia game. In this case, themed to Harry Potter.

G.O.T. Hangman

Use of 'vanilla' Javascript to produce Game of Thrones-themed a hangman game.


Using jQuery AJAX calls to GIPHY and OMDB APIs, built app that collects and prints basic search results.